0800 289 881


Tax Strategy

Tax Strategy

Cookson Precious Metals Ltd, based in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Heimerle + Meule GmbH, based in Pforzheim, Germany. The company operates in the jewellery and industrial sectors where supplies contain, or could be associated with precious metals.

Cookson Precious Metals Ltd understands and accepts its obligations with regard to tax.

The primary objective from this perspective is to ensure we are compliant with all tax legislation and the requirements published therein. Included in this will be to ensure all applicable returns are made on a timely and accurate basis, but at the same time ensuring, where applicable, any tax paid has been assessed for any concessions or reliefs which are allowed under the relevant legislation. With this in mind, we do not seek to take an aggressive stance in interpretation of tax legislation, and the policy is to operate within both the spirit and the letter of the law. We do not use any artificial tax avoidance schemes, tax havens, or management incentive programs linked to any aspect of tax mitigation or determining an effective tax rate. Any tax planning that is undertaken is done so only where there is a commercial driver.

Cookson Precious Metals Ltd understands the need for good co-operation and a strong working relationship with HMRC, and seeks to have open and honest communication in this respect. As and when required, we comply with any request for additional information to support returns made, and liaise with the relevant HMRC department and/or our HMRC Customer Compliance Manager on tax matters as and when the need arises.

Cookson Precious Metals does not employ specifically trained personnel in respect of tax. Therefore in order to ensure compliance, external support from tax advisers will be engaged to assist in the review and completion of specific aspects of tax, however the overall responsibility for tax policy and reporting lies with the Finance Director.

Approved by the Board of Directors 31 January 2022

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© 2024 Cookson Precious Metals Ltd. VAT Registration No. GB161 8062 21. Registered in England no. 2775187. Registered Office: 59-83 Vittoria Street, Birmingham, B1 3NZ
Tel: 0345 100 1122 or 0121 200 2120 Fax: 0121 212 6456